Mass Consumption
At Robalino, we have extensive experience providing comprehensive advice to companies dedicated to the production and marketing of mass consumer products, both at the local and international levels.
We have a team of highly specialized lawyers and consultants who excel in developing comprehensive strategies for advice and representation to ensure the efficient operation of companies in the sector. Supported by the firm's practice areas, they cover each of the situations that the business may face, including regulatory, tax, contractual, corporate, intellectual property, dispute resolutions, labor, and competition defense, among others.
Our experience and profound knowledge enable us to assist our clients in both everyday operations and more complex legal transactions and relationships. We also develop preventive practices to reduce the likelihood of conflict.
At Robalino, we are committed to the success and evolution of our clients. Therefore, we offer comprehensive services tailored to the specific needs of each company, serving as a strong strategic ally in its development.
Review and adaptation to current regulations of clients' commercial policies.
Review and drafting of contracts related to the commercial activities of clients.
Review and adaptation to current regulations of clients' advertising activities.
Design and implementation of compliance programs tailored to the needs and economic activities of each client.
Guidance for compliance with antitrust regulations and consumer protection.
Advisory services for compliance with the regime of free competition and consumer protection.